Top Social Marketing Hacks For Marketers

Social media has been an emerging platform, and marketers have found this medium a successful one! No wonder the type of business you have, including the size and niche, social media is quite beneficial for generating more leads for their website. This marketing technique is basic and a good start for your business. 

Indulging your brand with social media will increase audience engagement and grow your followers without hassle.

But, how

Well, here are some top social marketing hacks that everyone should know: 

Social Media Networks: 

There are tons of social media platforms available like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. But, a marketer must create their business profile on all the social media networks. It will have a huge impact on its audience, and the people from all the platforms can be aware of the brands and products. Also, by doing so, the social media algorithm works properly and you can get actionable insights for your business. 

Use The Same Profile Image: 

Don't forget to use the same profile image on all the social media networks as it is quite important for the brand's reputation. Also, no one likes to see the same picture every day. So, make sure to change your profile image at regular intervals, and the logo image should be permanent. 

Image Specifications: 

Image specifications play a huge role in making the images look more clearer and visible. The resolutions and dimensions should be definite and proper enough to make the images look unique and eye-catching. Some specifications are as follows: 

  • Instagram: 320x320 px
  • Facebook: 170x170 px on desktop and 128x128 on mobile
  • Twitter: 400x400 px

Trending Topics: 


To make your social media marketing a complete success, try to adopt trending topics extremely high in demand. For example, Instagram reels are quite in trend now and due to this, you can spread brand awareness via reels which will make your marketing technique different and better from the rest. 

Automation Tools: 

Despite all the efforts, there's still an option of choosing the right automation tool for your social marketing. Yes, a social media automation software handles the entire social network profile without human interference. It schedules all the posts in advance and sends you weekly reports on time to track your growth performance. 

Choose Relevant Niche: 

Niche or keywords are significant. Always choose a relevant niche for your social media marketing. It will help you target the right audience without hurdles. The content, profile, images, videos, everything should be accordingly. You can even do keyword research for your niche to get more preferences and options. 

Be Available:

Availability matters. To answer your follower's queries and requests, make sure to be available once a day at a particular time. Answer back all the queries and doubts your viewers have to leave a positive impact on them. Hence, it will show your responsiveness and attentiveness towards your audience. 

Hashtag Generators: 

You all must be aware of the consistency of hashtags after Instagram and Twitter. Well, yes! Hashtags can be a great way to reach out to the audience. Even if you are not good at it, there's always an option of hashtag generators. All you need is to stuff the right keyword and bingo! The eye-catching and unique hashtags are ready to use. 

Engaging Content: 

Make sure the content you post should be plagiarism-free and unique! The relevancy should be 100%, and the uploads should be easy-to-understand. The better the content, the more followers you will have. Mention the keywords in the limit and enjoy watching your content reach millions of users. 

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy - Overview

Wrapping Up: 

At last, we hope our readers got a clear scenario of how social marketing works, and these hacks are beneficial enough to imply on their social media marketing. 

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