Facebook Collection Ads: A Beginner's Guide

People are spending more time on their phones than ever before, and 20% of that time is spent on Facebook or Instagram. It is, of course, how individuals learn new things, get knowledge, and make purchasing judgments. As a digital marketer, this means creating mobile experiences that are quick to load and engaging.

That's why you have Facebook collection ads- here we are sharing small introductions to help you grab mobile shoppers' attention and make it easier for them to find, browse, and buy in a more engaging way.

What are Facebook collection advertisements?

Facebook Collection ads are posts that include a brief video or photo. Instant Experience's grid-based design is preferred for collection ads. These new advertising assets were created by Facebook and allow you to market your product catalog in a simple, imaginative, and optimized manner. Facebook gives a simple method for potential users to view a large variety of product catalogs without difficulty.

Collections allow businesses to engage customers with online shopping options, making it easier for users to discover new items and services on Facebook and purchase them through a company's website or app. You may choose from four different Collection ad formats to promote your private business.

What is the effect of the Collection Ad Facebook format?

You can choose from four different types of formats:

1. Lookbook in a Flash

2. Instantly create a storefront

3. Storytelling on the Spot

4. Customer Acquisition in a Flash

You can choose a different format depending on your goals and images.

Lookbook in a Flash

Instant Lookbook is a style of Collection ad that resembles a magazine or catalog.

Used for:

  • Observing users who prefer your items

  • Creating a product catalog that is digitally focused

  •  Giving products by narrating a story about your brand

Instant Storefront

Instant Storefront is a type of Collection ad that looks like an online storefront.

Used for:

  • Viewing a product catalog with more than four items in it

  • directing customers to your mobile app or website to make purchases

  • Providing users with the ability to view products by key groupings or types.

Storytelling on the Spot

Instant Storytelling is a type of Collection ad that is similar to a booklet.

Used for:

  • Using a novel approach to promote your business

  • Saying a short narrative with fun video and descriptions

  • Providing customers with more information about your app or website

Customer Acquisition in a Flash

Instant Customer Acquisition is a landing page-style Collection ad format.

Used for:

  • directing customers to your mobile landing page to make changes

  • Motivating visitors to begin an activity on your mobile app or website

  • Using eye-catching video or graphic content to present your proposals

Best procedures for collecting advertising

1. Carefully select the featured products.

You can choose whether the four product images on your ad will appear dynamically or in a specified order in the Product section of the setup. By opting for "Order dynamically," Facebook will select four products from your catalog and product collection to display, based on popularity or likelihood of purchase:

To build a collection ad, you'll need at least four products in your set, but a much bigger product set (50+) recommended in products go out of stock.

By inputting the names, product IDs, color variations, and other details of the products you want to add to Choose a specific order, you can select four distinct photos from your product set:

Selected product images not ranked by likelihood of purchase in this case, but rather, the order you choose them. Facebook recommends choosing a variety of products to appeal to more viewers.

2. Concentrate on retargeting.

Despite the high conversion rates of collecting advertisements, not everyone will visit your website. However, by developing unique audiences and reminding them why they wanted to solve an issue with your product or service in the first place, you can directly retarget these individuals.

3. Test your adverts on a regular basis.

Always run A/B tests on ad aspects such as:

  • Headlines \sOffers

  • Cover images ad copy

  • Images of the products

Best practices are beneficial, but they do not ensure intended outcomes. For the best return on investment, make sure to test and adjust your advertising and its various features on a regular basis.

4. Choose the best cover image.

On average, cover videos create up to 20% higher interaction rates on collection advertising than cover photos. If your organization does not have any video assets, you may make an auto-playing slideshow of photographs out of numerous images, which works just as well.

It's also a good idea to include photographs and videos of individuals using the product since these have shown to increase click-through rates by 3-5 percent over time.

5. Use external connections to increase traffic.

Users can travel to other pages (a product page, sales page, post-click landing page, etc.) after clicking the ad and opening the full-screen Instant Experience by adding a CTA and external link to your Social media ad campaign.


Facebook Collection Ads are an engaging ad type that stretches into a full-screen, interactive experience, which complements any digital marketer's advertising strategy. Refer to the Instapage digital advertising specs reference for the most up-to-date ad specs and targeting options to create the most optimized collection ad.

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