06 Creative Marketing Ideas That’ll Kickstart Your Small Business


Are you willing to flourish your small business?

Definitely, YES.

Every business owner keeps on looking for sure-fire ways to build a better audience base in order to grow business without spending much on it. 

The ultimate secret to successful growth is implementation of creative marketing ideas instead of sticking on the conventional strategies since most of your competitors already work on them.

When the ideas are innovative, people automatically come to appreciate and take further positive actions. On the other hand outdated strategies make business owners spend huge sums of money still can’t provide a satisfactory outcome. 

Through this post, we have come up with 06 unique ideas that easily help a brand to grow. Come on! Let’s catch a glimpse. 

  1. Launch Referral Programs

Having a terrific referral program is an extreme shortcut to convincing the audience to become genuine customers. 

Experts say that 70% of people trust personal referral instead of acting up web’s recommendations. Around here, the concept seems quite straightforward. Brands merely need to offer rewards on every referral. 

For instance, if you own an online food delivery business, then provide a 10-20 % (or as suitable) discount on order for every person who brings new customers by any legit means.  Companies also prefer sharing referral links among individuals because it makes tracking a lot easier. Whatever for your business, choose it. 

  1. Curate Eye-Catchy Blog Posts

High-quality blogs and articles remain an integral part of result-oriented content marketing strategy.

But, how to work on this?

Initially, you should search relevant keywords, check metrics, and proceed to preparing blogs. Make sure the blogs contain correct information, but in an interesting manner. Static images, GIFs and short videos also turn bogs interesting enough to generate reading will in viewers. 

Businesses ought to write blogs on every leading topic in addition to mentioning seasonal offers, discounts, and added perks. 

  1. Let Your  Customized Products Spread The Word

You might have seen brands, social media influencers, and popular brands selling customized T-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pens, and other printed accessories. As obvious, this stands as the awesome trick to lure more customers.

Overall production of a printed T-shirt is somewhere between $10-15. However, the related businesses earn numerous potential leads using this walking & running billboard. Be clear, we are recommending you to distribute free accessories to everyone. Instead, give items to routine customers who can pass on decent feedback for others. 

  1. Shift To Video Marketing 

We can’t deny the fact that videos grab better engagement than text-based content. Even if a person is in a rush, he won’t mind holding on for a moment and checking the video. Therefore, every business must invest in video marketing. 

You can publish video on multiple platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Moreover, ranking videos on Google is another excellent way to drive immense traffic to videos. 

  1. Interact With People Via Podcasts 

Whether you care or not, the audience takes keen interest in knowing about faces behind the brand they trust. 

Thus, interacting with folks via podcast turns out to be a comfortable and less-time taking approach. In this way, brands have the opportunity to answer queries to put an end to misconceptions stirring around. 

A storytelling method always makes a better impact on listeners as compared to generic stuff. 

Additional Tip: Aside from leveraging creative marketing strategies, taking a dive into competitors ads is another great idea. For doing so, dozens of reliable ads intelligence software such as Poweradspy, Hubspot, BigSpy, etc are available out there. 

Before you pick one, take some time to see if the tool provides these features:

  • Advanced ads filters to search ads by position to present best-performing ads in the niche.

  • Ability to show live ads directly from the official site. It helps you in checking real-time statistics & audience engagement on them.

  • Perfect search algorithm to serve what you exactly want. No confusion because of irrelevant ads. 

Finishing Off

In conclusion, we arrived at the fact- no business can reach further heights without having creative marketing ideas in place. 

All the strategies that are mentioned in this post do not only work for small businesses, even big organizations can leverage these ideas to achieve business goals. Hopefully, you have a better answer on-  how to come up with creative marketing ideas.

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